Monday, November 16, 2009

No More...

There are times in life where I think we all say "NO MORE". I cannot do this anymore, put a fork in me I'm Done!!! I am so there right now. Seems as though God has more faith in my abilities at this time than I do. I want to scream and say ENOUGH IS ENOUGH....When did I sign up for all this? Who said I could do this? Where was I when the vote was taken? Obviously, I was walking Levi..

I believe that right now WE all are at a crossroads in our lives. The times are changing, the things that we took for granted have gone away, people are at their lowest lows and willing to do anything to just get by or through that rough spot. In times like this, I truly believe God is calling us to get on our knees, relinquish our control and give Him our lives.

He and I are in such a tug of war right now. However, I must say He is so winning. He is asking me to do things that I either don't want to do or do not have the courage to do. Even for me it is a battle sometimes to do the right things. I would love to drink until oblivion, pass out and move on to the next day, but for the life of me I cannot. I guess I am truly thankful that part of my life is over...I don't always remember the "fun" I THOUGHT I was having, but to this day I can still remember the awful taste in my mouth and my stomach churning from all the unwanted liquids.

As I sit here and type this I realize that even though I am so not perfect or have all the answers God still WANTS to be in my life. He still wants to teach me things, grow me, show me but most importantly He wants me to have ALL the blessings that He has stored for me. You see I believe God has a million blessings for each of us. He so desperately wants to give them to us, but for us to appreciate all that He has in store we have to suffer, be burdened, hurt, be pulled apart by others because without all of the gushing water ways, the dry land would not seem so right. I don't know what AMAZING BLESSING He has in store for me right now, I know that I am definitely ready to take ownership of it. God is saying "Not yet MY CHILD", that is where I have to learn some valuable lessons..

1. Trust in God-He knows all that is right for me
2. Listen to His instruction-He holds all the directions that I need
3. Patience-Learning to say Ok, I will have self control and wait.
4. Faithfulness in Word-Remembering Faith comes by hearing not by sight.
5. Thankful Heart-Knowing that He still loves me enough to continue His work in me.

Even though right now, I am frustrated, aggrevated, overwhelmed, emotionally drained & tired I know that there will always be 1 Person in my corner, saying "Go Sheila, I believe in you, you can do it" and that is my Heavenly Father. My prayer at this very moment is that you know my Heavenly Father and you too have the same comfort when life throws curve balls that I do. I cannot imagine my life without Him. I may not always be faithful in following Him, but HE NEVER LEAVES ME...
Just some random thougths...