Monday, January 4, 2010

2009 moving on to 2010

WOW!!! I sit here and that is all that comes to my mind...What an exciting and devastating 2009. I learned a verse and it says "Behold, the Lord has gone out before you. " Judges 4:14 How appropriate that verse is for my life. I truly know in my heart that God has a plan for us. How can someone who knows every hair on our head not have a plan for us or go out before us and pave a way for us to walk?

I know that 2009 was not a good year for most of the people in this world. There have been times when I wondered where is this $ going to come from to pay this bill, or is my family going to be alright with this addition or subtraction? How can my husband be sick, what are we gonna do "IF"? Those questions have been in my life all year. When I thought I could not make it anymore guess what??? You got it something bigger or more complicated happened; but everytime My Heavenly Father was right there saying " I have gone out before you and I will reach out my hand to you, MY child, I am the Shepard and I watch over ALL my sheep, when one of you is lost I will NOT stop until I find you". That is what I have heard all year.

I know it is hard to believe in all that, but He is the only person/Father in my life who has EVER kept ALL of His promises. So I never stopped believing in Him and His word. There have been so many valleys that My family and I have had to endure but let me tell you THE VIEW UP ON THAT MOUNTAIN was very well worth all the valleys. Can I say though, it has not always been easy. I have cried, gotten angry, wanted to run the other way. (You see that is what I used to do), but I am so proud that with His strength and wisdom I stood there and went through it.

Moving on to 2010....God has blessed my family more than even I can understand. He did go out before me and set a new path. He has made things possible that are truly unbelievable. He has opened doors and closed doors, He has even touched my children in a way that only He can. I see positive things from my husband. Once I wrote that God has blessings stored up for all of His Children, one day we will get to heaven and say "Lord what are those containers for and He will say My Child, those are the blessings you did not recieve while on the earth." What a sad day...All we have to do is believe in our Lord Jesus and ask that He come into our torn, broken & sinful hearts and He will be there for you. Just like He is for me.

There are some many things in my life that are still works in progress. Those things I have truly laid at His feet and said, "Here you go, from this point on they are no longer my worries, I give them to you" He took them and let me go from those burdens. What a joy to not have to worry or fret over those things any longer. Thank You God for taking my sins and worries and carrying them for me.

I am so excited to start the NEW YEAR, I have a renewed love for my Heavenly Lord Jesus and cannot wait to see the valleys and mountains that He wants me to go through and up.

My most gracious Heavenly Father, I pray to you this night that whomever reads this will want to know more about you and your love for them. That they will seek you out and trust you with their New Year. I pray Lord for all those who are lost and suffering and have no where else to go, that you pull them out of the pit of Shame, Guilt and Condemnation to show them they ARE WORTHY and WORTH SOMETHING TO YOU. Lord, I ask that if there is anyone who comes into my path and needs your guidance that you will use me as your vessel. Thank you Dear Jesus for the underestimated Sacrifice you made so that we may have eternal life. In Jesus' Name I pray...Amen