Sunday, October 18, 2009 own opinion

Can we really change all that we think we can? When I think about things in life there are some questions that we need to answer before we start talking about changing everything...

The first question is Why? Will this change affect how I do something? Will it affect how people view me? Will it make someone's day brighter? Will it make things worse?

The second questions is How? Will I have a meeting? Will I send out emails explaining the change? Do I ask people to help me? Do I want to do it on my own?

The third question is What is the outcome I am looking for? Will it take 2 minutes off of my day? Will it only add more time/responsibility to my plate?

The most important 2 questions that I can think that need to be asked are..What does God word say about it and have I gone to Him in prayer? For most of us the answers to these two critical questions are "I don't know" and "No, I have not gone to Him in prayer".

I hear alot lately about how people are changing this and changing that. I tend to get defensive about those things; first and foremost GOD knows about all of them and for whatever reason He has allowed those things to take place. Is it because He wants us to take a stand and say NO, I am not sure. I know His word says if we can do something about it DON'T PRAY, TAKE CARE OF IT. If we cannot do something about it then PRAY and pray fervently(?).

People are trying to change the world and His word to accomodate their own lives and how they are living. If you are not quilty of wrong doing against your Heavenly Father then why put so much time and energy into changing it? I believe that in each and every person their heart has a space CARVED OUT by our HEAVENLY FATHER. This space is for HIM, not someone dead or shunned but HIM. God does not want all of us to perish but have eternal life, it is however, OUR CHOICE, not HIS to make that decision. People are making wrong decisions because WE ARE NOT PUPPETS on a string. He created us with a mind and a WILL. He knew what each and every one of us was going to choose as we got older. He wants us to accept that His son died for our sins, but He also knew there would be people who would not accept Him.

There are people who could talk for hours about all the changes that are taking place in this world. I don't have that kind of time. I am choosing to spend my time helping others, hopefully making those around me aware of OUR HEAVENLY FATHER and what He has done for me and my life. My job as his servant is to TESTIFY to what I KNOW AND BELIEVE. I believe in the bible, I believe and have Faith that Jesus is my Saviour and that He DIED on the CROSS for my sins, he shed HIS blood so that I may have eternal life. No other "person, thing, etc" that I have heard about or read about has done that. They ask YOU to do that...That would be like me asking Olivia, William Keith or Shelby to lay down their life for me. Sounds ridiculous when it is put like that, don't you think? Well that is exactly what the "others" say.

I cannot change people or their thinking. I cannot make them believe in the FATHER,SON & HOLY SPIRIT. What I can do is show them, by how I live, how I handle situations in my life, how I battle storms that come my way. People who have a heart for God ARE ALWAYS SMILING...Ever notice that? Because they know their PEACE & JOY come from Him. Not their own control...

Let's spend more time focusing on how Jesus would want us to be then trying to change all things we cannot. It starts with us first. God will do good works in you when you believe and accept Him. It may not be tonight, tomorrow or even 5 years from now, but His word says that He will watch over His Sheep.

I am so glad that I am one of His many sheep. He has to come get me and look for me at times, but He does not rest until He has found me. That is because I have accepted Him and His son for dying for my sins and I believe that He rose again, so that I may live an eternal life..

Thank You God for allowing your sheep to always come home. That you love us so much that you are not willing to rest until all your flock is safe in your arms.

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