Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Peace & Calm

What is PEACE & CALM? I find myself asking that question alot..Today however, is different. My heart is so overflowing with Peace & Calm, that I feel almost giddy inside.

Peace is learning how to give it all to God and knowing that He will give you all that you need to get through this phase in your life. Even if it is just for a minute, hour, day, night or longer. He truly knows what is in our best interest even when we don't see it. God does not want us to be all bent up or stirred up inside. He wants us to know Peace so that we may witness to others HIS strength and resolve THROUGH our lifes ups and downs. What a wonderous God we serve. He is willing to take on our hurts, fears, worries, regrets, anger, heartbreak and grief so that we can say "God is my strength and my Power, He is the one who helps me get through all things that I cannot do on my own."

Calm is knowing that by giving to Him, He is in control. That we don't have to be up tight anymore. He will put to ease our concerns and fears, keeping us close to His heart. When we are at the point where we can allow ourselves to let go and let God be in control then there will be great CALM...Many times in the Storm of Life I have had NO OTHER choice but give to Him, there were no more turns or twists in the road, He was the one waiting at the STOP SIGN, saying.."Come my Child, Reach out your hand into mine, and I will take care of you"..

When you are ever in doubt and need some refreshing on God's love, just go to His word and anywhere in there you will find His comfort, His strength, His peace, His kindness and most importantly His Grace...Because without His Grace in our lives, we would not see the Kingdom of Heaven...

God Bless you today on your journey and I pray that He will lift you up and cradle you when you are not able to lift yourself up....

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