Friday, August 28, 2009

The Forest

Have you wondered why we have to endure hard times? You can look at them two ways; 1. Why me-is God picking on me? 2. What is it that God wants me to learn from this hard time/situation?

Do you feel like God is picking on you? That you have some unforgiven sin that you have not spoke with him about and now He is "paying you back"? The Lord and Father that I serve does not work that way. His word says: "O let the wickedness of the wicked come to an end; but establish the just: for the righteous God trieth the hearts and reins". Psalm 7:9

This says to me that when you endure hard times that He will establish justice for the those who suffer, it may not be today or even next year, but there will be a time when you can look back and say "THANK YOU LORD" now I see, I had to go through those trying times to be the person that I am. He is righteous and He wants us to know Him and trust him with all that we have.

In our world where there is "instant gratification, no accountability" we want it all and now and if it goes wrong we do not want to be responsible for it. That is NOT how God wants us to live our lives. Only good things can come from patience and accepting responsibility for own mistakes and doings can and will BUILD CHARACTER....

God allows us to endure difficulty to keep us humble and to appreciate all our blessings..When you are walking through the forest and you are lost, just that little bit of light shining through to help us out of the forest should be a blessing, not a complaint because it is too hot. Are you thankful for the heat, because of the light to help or are you ungrateful because you are hot and sweaty???

Where do you think God wants you to be???

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