Tuesday, July 21, 2009

My Special Child

How precious is this child? He is the most amazing little boy. When he was 4 and at pre-k his teacher told me that he was the "most compassionate" boy she had ever seen or taught. When kids got hurt in the playground he would stop whatever he was doing or playing with to ensure that they were ok.
There were a uniqueness about him. At the same time he could be so loving and caring he could also be very aggressive and angry. For about a year I thought I was the worst mother in the world. Could not understand why at one moment he could be one way and the next be another. All of his anger was directed towards me, not anyone else, just me. I kept thinking; "God, I know you have a purpose and I know that in the past I have not always made the best decisions about my children, but I know you trust me with him and therefore, help me understand what is going on." It just so happened not long after that we had a check up with the pediatrician and when we went in to see her, he literally rearranged the room 10 times in 30 minutes. He was bouncing off the walls and had no understanding of personal space. So therefore, he was diagnosed with ADHD....All the way home I cried and I called a friend of mine and in tears told her of the situation and she understood what I was feeling.
I NOW knew what was going on. I am research nut, so I came home and started researching all I could about it. I believe that when God has given you something (good, bad or whatever) you need to take knowledge in it. Where there is knowledge there is power. I wanted to know and understand all that I could so I could not only be a better parent but I could also help those understand him that are around him. Immediately the doc put him on meds. (I forgot to mention my hubz was away on trip during all this revelation. I "assumed" he would feel the same way I did, Thank goodness, now we know, little did I know that was not going to be the case. He was not happy and it then became even more stressful as I was trying to figure it out, help the hubz understand and deal with this child who could do a 180 degree turn at any given moment. I prayed a lot.......................
Now we are 4 years out and we are doing so much better. We still have our moments and our mornings are not something that I would want the world to see, but I now have a better understanding of how to handle it. God has used this situation in my life for me to help others. The bible says when you are down and out reach out your hand to others. Doing for others is what gives us peace and joy. Many times I have reached out to help, and it was so wonderful because it took my thinking off of me and on those in need.
I love my son more than you can ever know, and everyday we have our moments, but when I see him sleeping or he is cuddled up in my arms right before bed, I realize how God must feel about us. During the day, He could shake us and correct us but at night when we are sound asleep He may look at us and say "what angels, been a long day but I created them and I love them even when they are unlovable....What do you think??????

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