Sunday, July 19, 2009

Reach out

Life is so wonderful...

When you walk outside you can hear the birds singing, feel the breeze on your face and admire the handy work of Our Lord and Saviour. How many times have you thought, "How do the birds know when to eat, where to eat, how to gather food"? I think that alot and realize the bible talks about how God supplies ALL their needs. Even the colors of the flowers are provided in advance. He is the Master Painter, knowing every color, shape and design of each and every flower. The most amazing thing to me is that humans always want to do it themselves. When we let go and let God he provides all things. It may not be all that we want or wished for, but it is EXACTLY what we need.

He is the Master of All and we owe Him so much. Unlike us humans, he does not make us sign the contract on the dotted line with hidden sacrifices, He wants us to know Him and admit that He is the Our Lord and Saviour and that Jesus came specifically to die for Our Sins. Not His own. Once you make that statement and believe in your heart, the road may be rocky, but this is what He promises "I am the Lord, your God, who takes hold of your right hand and says to you, Do Not Fear; I will help you." Isaiah 41:13

What an amazing promise. He will always protect and help us all we need to do is ask and hold out our hands..
May God Bless You today as you go through your journey.

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