Saturday, July 18, 2009

Scattered thoughts

For the past several years it seems as though my life has been in constant struggles. When I look at what William and I both have been through and what those struggles have done for us as a married couple it is just astounding. William and I have dealt with a child who almost died within the first few hours of his life, losing our financial comforts, loss of loved ones either by death or they walked away, physical challenges and scares and through all of this when most people say "Enough" or choose to get divorced because the struggles of life are too much, we are almost at our 10 year anniversary. Who would have thought. Don't get me wrong there have been times when I wanted to say the "heck with you" and leave, but because my faith in God is stronger than my faith in people we have made it. I am such a blessed woman, wife, mother, daughter,niece and friend. God has put people in my life that have taught me how to stand strong, be patient, and few who have let me cry on their shoulders. God Bless those people. As I sit here tonight, for the first time in many years I am at such peace. I may loose everything tomorrow but God has truly given me GREAT PEACE. Times are hard right now, not just for me but for anyone who thinks about tomorrow. The economy is doing a dip, the moral of people is low and the values that were once so important are no longer there; but again, I am so happy. I realize that Happiness comes from no other but GOD...He has said to me "You were once living in the darkness, but now you are walking in the light". Today I truly understand that. William has finally gotten to a point in his life where he believes that there is someone bigger than him. That he will now have to depend on someone else's strength to get through all the things that we have to endure. My heart is overjoyed with finally seeing some light in his eyes regarding God. I love my husband more than I could have ever imagined. He is so important to me and he is my best friend, my worst enemy, my rock, my strength on this earth. God knew what He was doing when He allowed us to be a couple. William is a super husband-he thinks of me first, my needs, my wants, he misses me when we are not together (or so he says)-I am not always that thoughtful or kind or generous, but he loves me anyway. I am so in awe of how blessed I truly am with this wonderful man in my life. I guess this little note is just to say "THANK YOU GOD FOR GIVING ME SUCH A WONDERFUL MAN". I wish everyone could feel the peace I feel and know that it comes from God.R U Happy? If not call on God, He will bless you the same manner has He has blessed Me.

My "baby" at his birthday.....

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