Saturday, July 18, 2009


Over the course of the last few weeks, it seems as though life for me has been on the roller coaster of emotion. My life has been anything but dull or un-interesting...However; it always amazes me how through all the things that I have to endure God still is in control and He is always the victor..Lately it seems that I have to suffer. I have to suffer from hurt words, physical pain, emotional distress, hurting for my family and friends. There are people in my life he continously want to hurt me. They hurt with their words & actions. I have really been struggling with how to handle these situations. My human part says "go gett'm", my love for God says, "I am your justice. You do what is right in MY SIGHT and I will deal with the situation". This morning I got up early (had 2 let out Levi) and came in and turned on the tv and Joyce Meyers was on. I have not watched her in a while, so I thought maybe God will speak to me through her about this situation. The amazing thing.......HE DID!! It was like He planned for me to be right there at that time. My Lord is so amazing. He is always right there for me. When I think about the things that have been said and done to me over the past few weeks I am also taken back to Him. This verse is one of my truly tells us how God loves us and how we need to give it ALL to Him. Again He is the victor. The verse is Romans 8:28-29. "And we know that all things work together for the good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to His purpose. For whom He did foreknow, he also did predestinate to be conformed to the image of His Son, that he might be the firstborn among many brethern. In other words for me it is saying..God works all things for His good and glory according to His purpose for My life. How great a God do we serve when he can turn all things around bad or otherwise for His glory as long as we are open and willing to accept him?I read a book when I am really struggling along with the bible that helps me put suffering in perspective. It is called Broken Things, why we suffer. It truly is an amazing book and it makes so much sense to me. How can we as Christians expect to go through this life and never suffer? God sent His ONLY SON-(could u do that) to die for your sins and mine so that we may spend eternity in Heaven. I have been angry and so very hurt lately, but in perspective, I have suffered NOT in comparison to God and Jesus. God does not like pride, so He wants us to be humble. Our rewards will come in Heaven and we will be blessed on earth. Pride is so ugly, and for us to understand that we need to suffer, that makes us realize that WE ARE NOT IN CONTROL...God is...No matter how much money we have or materials we own we will never be in total control. With all those things it will not make us Masters of the Universe. We may even lose a friend or two because of those things and our love for them. The other reason I feel that we suffer is because that seems to be the ONE TIME that we pray to our Heavenly Father. When life is good how many of us say Thank You God for the blessings today? I can tell you I don't always pray for thanks. I have learned over time though that the valley is a lead to the mountain top. So I have to thank Him and pray for his Grace and Mercy to get me through it. Have u ever been on a really high mountain top and looked down over into the valleys below? What an amazing sight. It reminds me of life's pathway. The turns, twists, loops, boulders in the way, trees down, no pavement, flooding. Our life is so like that. The only way to navigate through it is to seek God and His infinite wisdom. I guess what I am trying to say is that we need to say "Thank You God, You love me so much that you are not finished with me and that You will give me what I need to get through the next step in my life".

God's View

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