Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Walking by Faith, not Sight

I often wonder what it was like for Jesus...Did He ever have those days where he just wanted to knock someone out, be unkind to anyone, tell someone that He was just so fed up with them he could spit on them? As hard as it is for us to understand, I am sure maybe he did get that angry and frustrated. After all He was a human form. The difference is He came from a place we have not been yet and He totally got what his mission was. Us on the other hand do not. We think we know the answer but we never really do.

I sit here today and wonder how I can not seem to get the whole "anger under control" thing. If only for one moment I could have a 10th of what Jesus did. I would be a much better person. Having 3 children all with special needs makes it so hard sometimes to keep my sanity. One does first and thinks later, one only sees black and white and one wants to be in total control all the time. My frustration level sometimes is so high I feel like I could run away and never look back. But then I see Jesus face in my mind's eye and feel so ashamed. I know He knows my every thought and my heart, He knows that I love all my children and would lay down my life for them, but again, I am so ashamed at what I feel sometimes.

Then you throw in the added pressure of an economy not doing well and your husband having heart issues because he feels like he has failed his family. Sometimes, it is very overwhelming. For those that know me know that I have a lot of books that I read at different times for different reasons. I am going to put down what I have found this morning and hopefully it will help you as well as it has helped me. This truly summons it up for me, how about YOU????

Sometimes I'm sad. Iknow not why
My heart is sore distressed;
It sems the burdens of this world
Have settled on my heart.
And yet I know..I know that God
Who doeth all things right
Will lead me thus to understand
To walk by FAITH...not SIGHT.
ANd though I may not see the way
He's planned for me to go...
That way seems dark to me just now
But oh, I'm sure He knows!
Today He guedes my feeble step
Tomorrow's in His right...
He has asked me to never fear....
But walk by FAITH...not SIGHT...
Some day the mists will roll away,
The sun will shine again.
I'll see the beauty in the flowers.
I'll hear the birds refrain.
And then I'lll know my Father's hand
Has led the way to light
Because I placed my hand in His
And walked by FAITH...not SIGHT...
-Ruth A Morgan

Faith is daring the soul to go beyond what the eyes can see.

For we walk by faith, not by sight. 2 Cor. 5:7

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